L'Institut des sciences et techniques appliquées (ISTA) et le comité d'organisation invitent les enseignants-chercheurs, les chercheurs, les doctorants et les partenaires socio-économiques à participer à la 4ème édition de la conférence international sur :

International Conference on Advanced Engineering in Process Intelligence (ICAEPI-2023).

Vous êtes tous les bienvenus


The ICAEPI’23: International Conference on advanced engineering in process intelligence aims to promote research in the field of artificial intelligence, intelligent processes, advanced control, industrial health and safety ( production, control and safety), and bring together all potential participants: from industry, academic scientists, researchers engineers, manufacturers and suppliers from around the world to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects in relation with development of petrochemical industry and Technology. Our challenge is develop ideas to preserve our energy resources.

أيام الإستقبال

بالنسبة للعمال:

الإتنين من  الساعة 9:00 إلى 11:30 و 13:30 إلى 15:30

بالنسبة للطلبة: 

الأربعاء من  الساعة 9:00 إلى 11:30 و 13:30 إلى 15:30

اتصل بنا

 جامعة- سكيكدة  ص ب 26 طريق الحدائق - سكيكدة . الجزائر 21000


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