Publication of the 9th Issue (January, 2024) of 

Bashaer Al Oloom Magazine


Bashaer Al Oloom is an electronic quarterly magazine published by ENS, Mohammed Al-Bashir Al-Ibrahimi, Kouba.  The magazine is interested in the popularization of science (Mathematics, Computer science, Physical sciences, Natural sciences, Educational sciences, Didactics, History of sciences, Musicology). 

Bashaer Al Oloom strongly wishes to receive contributions from colleagues working in our universities or other institutions. 

Magazine link




Reception days

For workers:

Monday from 9:00 to 11:30 and from 13:30 to 15:30

For students:

Wednesday from 9:00 to 11:30 and from 13:30 to 15:30

Contact Us

University 20 août 1955 BP 26. Road El Hadaiek - Skikda 21000 – Algeria

+213 38 723 183

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